Happy Anniversary to Me!

Holy crap.
It has been one year since I began the blogging journey.
I have come a long way baby, and it is kind of funny how this blog evolved.
When I first started I was just going to write about me and my beloved dog, Quincy.
The adventures of a boy and his fat basset hound if I recall correctly. Well, that got pretty boring pretty fast. I love Quincy dog but he doesn’t deviate much from his normal activities of eating, sleeping, pissing, and shitting.
So I started writing about my so-called life and along the way I met a lot of neat people, and I just wanted to thank you all for making this blog experience fun and worthwhile.
Without you, Confessions of a Dumb, White Guy would be a pretty lame place.
And I proudly present my first-ever post, and please be kind to me.
Just remember how good you were the first time you had sex. Exactly.
Have a great day.

Did you honestly think I wouldn't mention the man?


  1. Happy Anniversary to you!!

  2. Happy blogaversary. You were one of the first people to comment on my blog and i loved you for it. How you found me i dunno but i'm so glad you did.Clicking on your profile and finding your blog has given me no end of laughs.

    Love ya Shifey!

  3. Anonymous1/25/2006

    Happy First!! Here's to more Hoffs and years and years of blogging (you) and entertainment (us)!!

  4. Congrats!

    BTW, best first post EVER!

  5. lol Happy Anniversary to you --- so glad you blog, because you bring a smile to my face daily. This is one of the funniest blogs out there ----

    Love the Hoffster

  6. Happy Anniversary! Let's keep going till the silver anniversary!!!

  7. Congratulations, and many more. Start a dog blog, maybe about a basset hound. That might be fun. ;)

  8. Happy Anniversary!

    What gift do you give someone for their first blog anniversary???

  9. I was fucking great [pun intended] the first time I had sex.

    Blogging? Not so much.

    Happy Bloggerversary to you!

  10. SN -- Thank you. You will have to tell me how to say it in Swedish someday.

    Steph -- I think we can thank our good pal Darius for our paths crossing.

    Rev -- Gracias.

    NM -- I am going to take it one day at a time. Doing this for years seems crazy at the moment but I never thought I would do it for one year.

    Scarlett -- Thanks.

    As seen on TV -- I hate you.

    Princess -- I am glad I can make you smile.

    MD -- Thank you very much.

    The_Mrs. -- It was different that is for sure.

    Duck -- Whatever. My so-called life hasn't gotten cancelled yet.

    Angel -- Silver. Is that 25? I don't know how exciting I will be in 25 years.

    Twisted -- Thank you sir.

    Luke -- Quincy is already famous enough. I don't want his head to be as big as his belly.

    Mack -- Thank you very fucking much.

    Blonde -- I believe it is paper so I guess that means cash or airline tickets. Or you can just send the Hoff.

    Damasta -- Well I guess I will take your word on it.

    Armaedes -- He is the wind beneath our wings.

  11. Happy Blog-a-versary! To think my first post on my first webpage was almost 4 years ago. That page is gone now, but still lives on in some form thanks to Archive.org (which is a great site if you've never checked it out).

  12. I only come here for the Hoff.

  13. Hey, Matt, I just gave 'as seen on tv items' a Tabasco enema in your honor for your bloggaversary. Talk about a gift that keeps on giving!

  14. Hey Happy Anniversary Shife! I feel horrible I didn't get you a gift.

    I am glad to have stumbled upon your utterly hilarious blog!

  15. Hey, your blog is the funniest damn thing I read every day-I'm glad you been up one year, and that I can pull your stuff up over here in Iraq-keeps me sane-and that you comment on mine.

  16. Did you just say I was lame in bed?

  17. BRAVA, SHIFE!!!

    Aww, I'm SO jealous -- one year?? I won't be there till May!

    And for a guy that just started 12 months ago, you've got one hell of a huge audience. I know of MAGAZINES that don't enjoy this kind of circulation. I wanna be like you when I grow up... ;)

  18. Congrats on the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY !!

    *sniff* it seems like just yesterday you were posting about cabin fever and....oh wait...that WAS yesterday...oh well....here's to many more years and the hope that Hoff is still around !

  19. Ha, cool post. Happy Bloggerversary.

  20. Congrats!!!

    And after reading that i am proud to say my sexual experience i just laid there like a corpse...

  21. Happy Anniversary! Congrats! God bless.

  22. Funny then, funny now!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and give Quincy a treat for me! I am glad he is so inspiring!! What would the blogosphere do with The Shife!!! I would never have developed my Hoff obsession!!!


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