Chinese New Year The Sequel

I am really digging the Chinese New Year.
Maybe there is a little Yao Ming in all of us or I have just eaten so much Panda Express that I have permanently altered my DNA.
So here is my Chinese New Year's Resolution.
I want to dance like these guys.

And you can bet your General Tsao's chicken I am going to stick to it.

What's your Chinese New Year's Resolution?


  1. I'm not sure I believe in New Year's resolutions, but that video is hilarious. I expect you to post you own version by next New Year's. I'm giving you almost a whole year since I expect that your house boy/chauffeur duties in NYC will keep you rather busy.

  2. In order to ascend to heights of dancing that these men have reached you must first lose any semblance of rhythm you might have. Only THEN will you rise to this level of greatness. ;)

  3. SN -- So are you saying I have a chance at being the house boy? Maybe if I can dance like that it will help me land the job.

    Nicole -- You forgot that I am a dumb, white guy which means I have no rhythm anyway.

  4. I think that if you dance like that it ABSOLUTELY increase your chances of getting the job!!

  5. I think that you'll be able to dance like that--I mean after all, the Hoff dances like that.

  6. I think I wanna go have random sex in china town.

    me love you long time!

  7. I rike eat many flied lice. Also, have 'Wok' in business name...rike "Wok Wok Till You Drop"

  8. completely off topic--

    I've been looking for that commercial for a year and some change. I couldn't find it when it was just Nextel and I couldn't grab it after the merger. Thank you much oh kind sir.

  9. Anonymous1/31/2006

    My Chinese new year's resolution is to give MSG a go! Is it true that it's made from bones of little babies?!

  10. I resolve to love you long time.

  11. I would have to say mine is to get my cats off of whatever drugs they may be on at the moment.

  12. hehe.. you're an egg mrshife.. white on the outside, yellow in the enside...

    my resolution is to stop babbling... and stop drooling when i see a hotty on the street.. cuz that's just not attractive !!!

  13. I'm resolving to tell the Chinese delivery boy that his fortune cookies are stale and his noodles are limp while affecting a upper-crust English accent.

  14. Anonymous1/31/2006

    My resolution: to Bangkok.

  15. here you are. just holding down the blogging fort everyday for us people who are burned out. I actually knew it was the year of the tootie. I'm not sure where everyone else went wrong.

    miss ya!

  16. I'd just want a job where I can dance like that and still get paid!

  17. No more of that Chinese hot mustard. That stuff kills me the next morning... if you all know what I mean!

  18. Ahhhhh nothing like seeing men doing the "White Mans' overbite"

    I resolve to find out exactly what's inside a steamed dumpling....on second thought...maybe I better not !

  19. This is my very favorite commercial on TV. I am happy everytime it comes on and will even watch it on TIVO.

    The guy in blue has the best moves.

  20. Oh, but my Chinese Resolution (because T. Leach already used mine) will be 1280 X 1204 pixels.

  21. Hey shife some of my friends will be in Idaho this weekend treat em good!

    Good luck with the dancing haha

  22. By the way... I was the retarded anonymous person who wanted to Bangkok. I forgot to log in. Doh.

  23. eat more general tsao :)

  24. I've started a pro-MSG coalition.

  25. I'm resolving to be more Chinese this year.



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