Analyze This

So I had a dream last night.
I was an unsuccessful Spanish bullfighter and to make ends meet I played the bongos in a Duran Duran cover band.
My name was Fernando Antonio Ordonez and my bullfighting career ended prematurely because I got gored in the nipple.
(I know the picture is of a guy getting gored in the ass, but it is the closest I could get. It isn't easy finding a gored nipple.)
Then I woke up.

I think it means I am super gay.
What do you think?


  1. That's a pretty crazy dream. According to this website I looked at, to dream that you are watching a bullfight, symbolizes the struggle between your animalistic desire and your spiritual side. To dream that you are playing the drums, indicates that you progress through life by your own terms. You are strong willed and stick by the decisions you make.

  2. LOL ouch - i have seen that not in person but the news clip lol Not a good weekend for dreams, mine sucked as well.

    Nah, you're not gay unless you diddream of getting gored in the ass instead of the nipple... (ouch that was bad!) lol

  3. No, you're not gay.
    Weird, yes, but not gay.

    Weirdest dream I ever had was where I met some really hot chick cliffside in a real serene environment. I professed my love to her, and slowly her face began decomposing before she finally committed suicide and burst into flames on the way down. Apparently I've got a mix of misanthropy, misogyny, neurosis, lack of belief in the self, and pyromania going on.

    Second weirdest was where I was an EMT working a wreck on my father, who rolled over and shot me in the forehead. Then I woke up.

    I'm a shrink's wet dream.

  4. Anonymous1/23/2006

    Sounds like a horrible dream!! Playing bongos in a Duran Duran cover band!! Did you do the whole 80s outfit thing?

  5. Anonymous1/23/2006

    That could be a picture of you getting gored in the nipple....that's right about where your nipples will end up of you don't wear a bra.

    Does your wife thing you're gay? Nah...I don't think you're gay. Twisted, yes. Gay, no.

  6. Here is my analysis:

    Your initials "FAO" are much like the toy store FAO Schwartz. If you were singing "Hungry Like the Wolf" in your cover band, I would say you expressing desires to be a parent, to shop for toys and read bedtime stories like Little Red Riding Hood.

    Or, maybe you want some nipple clamps. Then it depends who you want to use them on ... that would determine the gaiety.

  7. You didn't happen to just get your nipple pierced, didja? That would explain a lot!

  8. Yup. Super gay. That is my interpretation.

  9. What was more painful? Playing bongos in a Duran Duran vover band or getting gored in the nipple?

  10. Anonymous1/23/2006

    Off topic....

    I thought you, of all people, would really enjoy this! LOL

    Click here.

  11. Dude..that picture gives me nightmares. Thanks a lot!

  12. I'm going to analyze it from a different perspective. I think it means you are super brave and that your sensitive areas are your nipples.

  13. Nah, I just think the bull in your dream represented masculinity and the fact that you were getting gored in the nipple meant that you were........hmmmmmmm....yea, you might be gay !!

  14. haha umm that would hurt

  15. According to a website I read... (heh) it means you have detachment issues with your mother (bull/nipples) and you fear the loss of your manhood (drums). Take that!

  16. I think you're gay if, at the end of the dream, you were all of a sudden skating with celebrities.

  17. I like swedishnurses' interpretation the best.
    And really I'm not sure which is worse, getting gored in the nipple or playing bongos for Duran Duran.
    But definitley not gay. I think the Dorothy outfit on Halloween stated that pretty clearly. You are secure in your manhood.

  18. If you needed pics of gored nipples all you had to do was ask. I have plenty.

  19. What the hell are you eating before you go to bed??????

    Or are you taking NyQuil? NyQuil makes me have sexual lesbian dreams, and I am not a lesbian. Just a thought.

  20. And it's Uber gay. And yes. Yes you are. :P

  21. Gored in the ass means you might be secretly gay.

    Gored in the nipple means you've got lactation issues.

  22. I think were bi-curious til you found a photo of that horn up the you are gayer than a picnic basket...

    how precious...

  23. or it means you like it when your nipples are pinched by spanish bullfighters.

  24. Shife: Added your blog to my links. Figured I'd be merciful to people unfortunate enough to travel to my blog by giving them a link to something more enjoyable. Kind of like coming up for air when drowning, you know?

  25. Oh dear.
    I think it means you should stop eating so close to bedtime.
    And that you have career issues that your brain is trying to work out in your sleep.

  26. yeah, thats a crazy dream... I'm not sure which would hurt more the ass or the nipple... Oh, and babs said you havent been tagged yet. So TAG your it!

  27. It all has to do wis zee muzzer... hehehe... I haven't read all the comments, I hope someone didn't already say that!... "It isn't easy finding a gored nipple" needs to go in the quote hall of fame!!!LMAO


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