I am getting my ass kicked by the common cold

How about some symbolism? The big guy is my cold, and the little guy is Mr. Shife.


  1. Yeah, I hate when illness feels that way. And I'm a stubborn one. I completely deny I'm sick until I pass out.

  2. i always want to call you mrshive or mrshank.... but now that a wee cold has made you about as vulnerable as a wee baby i don't know if i can ever think of you like that again

  3. Anonymous12/15/2005

    Ew. What's that black belt thing for? To keep the obscene amount of fat contained? I feel sorry for you if it busts....his belly will drive your butt into the ground.

  4. Awwww...that's a nice diaper you're wearing...does that have anything to do with the massive amounts of vitamin C you were taking??....LOL

  5. Seriously, what is it with you and Sumo wrestlers.

    Tutu's or not.

  6. Just fart it all out. You said you had a good gas flow going.

  7. Take him out at the knees! That'll help you.

    Hope you feel better. Being sick SUCKS! You should be like me and wait for spring or summer to get a cold. That's the best time of year, not winter when it's cold and no one wants to go outside. What are you thinking?!

  8. MrShife, I saw a movie tonight called "Ankle Biters" today and thought of you. It's a vampire movie, but all the vampires are midgets! I was gonna buy it for you, but I didn't feel like spending $20.00 without trying to see if I could just rent it first and burn it for you. I just really feel you should have this movie.

    Get better!!

  9. Well, eventually that huge dude will get smaller and smaller and smaller until eventually you can ass blast him out of your general vicinity.

    Feel better, Shife!!!

  10. Sorry to hear you're under the weather it is that time of year. Get better soon Shife!

  11. WTF!! Is that picture real?!

  12. Hope you get well soon, Mr. Shife.

    Would be cool if the sumo wrestler did a photoshoot complete with puppies (the David Hasselhoff trick)

  13. Steph is right...fart that cold right out of your system.

  14. Yeah, my ass is getting kicked by a cold right now. Damn it! Hopefully it will all be gone by christmas and new years (i need a kiss damn it!)

    maybe a bowl of steamed midget vampires would cure this cold.

  15. hilarious way to describe your cold. I love it!!!


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