There's No Place Like Home

If Halloween parties are measured by how drunk the host gets, then we had the best Halloween party ever. I was escorted to bed my Mrs. Shife at about 1:30 because I started talking about midgets and was getting a little out of control on the karoke machine. As promised here are some photos. And my choice for Halloween this year was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I know I am one sexy bitch. Here is Mrs. Shife and I doing our best prom pose. And Mrs. Shife put the wicked in the Wicked Witch of the West if you know what I mean.

Our beloved basset, Quincy, even got Halloween fever and put on my wig and dress.

Here is a buddy and me rocking out to the soothing sounds of the karoke machine.

Finally this is me and the gang belting out some Backstreet Boys. Yes I go totally gay when I man the mic. Also, notice the droopy eyes and the crooked wig of Mr. Shife. I believe this was my last performance of the evening and I was in bed shortly afterwards.


  1. Looks like the party was rockin'. I'd have come by, but I'm 3,000 miles away. Besides, I'm saving my "hey, I'm in the neighborhood"-call for ski season.

  2. I too am in the "too far to travel" category. Looks like a hell of a time. I've only done kareoke once, but when you start off with Ugly Kid Joe's "Everything About You", and finish with Elvis' "Suspicious Minds", something has to be wrong.

  3. Dude your (awesome) costume scared me a little bit, but as usual, Mrs Shife rocked! I love those stockings!!! I bet the party was a blast!!!!!

  4. Armaedes -- which buddy?

    T. Leach -- I will leave the light on for you.

    ST -- What are you scared of?

  5. ha! Awesome great costumes for you and your wife, well and the dog. Looks you guys had a great time!

  6. That is the best costume for you and the hound...

    I so wanna party with you...all of blogworld will agree when i say I am jealous I wasn't invited....

  7. I am sorry lbseahag, you and everyone else has a lifetime free invitation to every single party that me and Mrs. Shife ever have.

  8. you might have mentioned the ivite BEFORE the party!! it's a little late now. HOW CONVEEEEENIENT (said in church lady voice)

  9. Dude you are frightening in a wig and dress, hehehe...

  10. But Cher, I am a very jealous man and I am just getting you back because you already celebrated Thanksgiving.

    ST -- The worst part is that I shaved my legs. Sorry, I Naired my legs.

    And Vince, I do love to party.

  11. Well played Mr.Shife. It looks like a great time was had by all.

  12. Ok, you naired your legs but didnt shave your face, whats up with that? Otherwise youre a deadringer for Dorothy, well except for the unladylike pose. Did you sing "somewhere over the rainbow"?

  13. No singing, but I did try to make out with the Wicked Witch of the West.

  14. That's one thing I'm disappointed about: no "over the rainbow..." I'd have to say my favorite part(s) of the party was when you were rambling about not wearing any panties and then accused the fat clown of having elephantitis of the nuts...

  15. Oh man, that is so wrong. Ha ha ha,

    Hey, I don't know if you heard mrshife, but Stallone is now planning a new Rambo movie too.

    DO I smell Cobra II?

  16. I am dreaming of Over The Top II.

  17. Rhinestone Cowboy,Country Roads or Copacabana are the best songs to belt on on a kakaoke machine.

  18. I'll never be able to watch The Wizard Of Oz again without wishing that you were in it instead of Judy.

    And I was actually hoping for Oscar II.

  19. I must say, you look better in the Dorothy costume than I would.

    How is the skiing up in Idaho anyway ?

  20. LMAO-- You Naired your legs!!! You are making me LMAO everytime I check back!!!! I can't believe you put Nair on your legs!!! LMAO!!!!!! You rock, dude!!!!!!

  21. LMAO....Hey MrShife, you got a nice set of pins on ya...not many ppl can pull of white stocking but you did it !! In the last pic you sort of had that "Sammy Davis Jr." facial were done for !!..seemed like a great party !

  22. I just love the slippers and the bottle of beer. That just MADE the whole Dorothy look complete. And i was right. Your legs are FINE!

  23. The stockings, the crooked wig, the facial hair, the lipstick ... amazing ... I'm speechless.

  24. Shife...You're the man!!! (Even dressed as Dorothy!!)

  25. Sadly your legs look better in a dress then mine :(.

    Quincy is the cutest pooch. So much better then Toto.

    I see that Dorothy forgot that she was a lady and didn't sit like one in a dress in that pic. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Dorothy what big twig and berries you have...

  26. Anonymous11/01/2005 were a hottie! LOL

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