Circus Mexicus

Greetings amigos, I am going on vacation to a little place called Mexico. Mrs. Shife and I are heading down to a town right on the Pacific Ocean called Puerto Penasco or Rocky Point. One of our favorite bands in the whole wide world, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers (formerly The Refreshments), performs a concert there twice a year and we figured it is our time to do it.

So I will be on the beach for three fabulous days working on my tan, rocking out, destroying my liver, and listening to my wife justify why she needs to go on another shopping spree. It is going to be awesome. Play nicely while I am gone and I will be back Monday with a Mexican hangover and hopefully some cool photos. As Mr. Clyne so eloquently states, "My second home is a third world cantina."


  1. Have fun, drink rediculous amounts of liquor.. Oh and you'll probably want to get a smaller sombrero (SIC?) though.

  2. Good idea Fiona. The big brain on Mr. Shife isn't that big. I will probably have to switch them to make sure the cash and prizes don't get burned.

  3. Well I just didn't want to come right out and tell you, but it looks like you've encountered the amazing head-shrinking tribe of the Owhyees and they have done irreversible damage.

  4. Yes, I believe you are right. My penis is incredibly small but I have ginormous testicles.

  5. I was referring to your melon, but it sounds like you are pretty well balanced out. Maybe you should bring a banana hammock as a back-up.

  6. Advantage Fiona. I bow to you.

  7. cool have fun! i was in Mexico as a little girl and the only thing I remember is being on my dads shoulders and sticking my tongue out at some begger guy and throwing a grape at him.

  8. Have fun. Don't drink the water.

  9. tell the Mrs. to Barter!

  10. Hmmmm, The Duck. Who could you possibly be?

  11. En-joy! We'll keep an eye on the NLCS from here for you.

  12. You boys want to go to MEXIIIIICOOOOOOOOO???

    Heh. Have a great time and for God's sakes don't eat the worm. I beg of you, do not eat the worm.

    P.S. - Last time I was in Mexico, I saw this big mutha of a Texan do an eight second Tequilia stand. It was awesome.

  13. Have fun, enjoy the sun.:)

  14. Have fun. Wish I was going, but I think my employer would frown on a fourth vacation this year.

  15. Anonymous10/13/2005

    Give the beach a hug for me and drink many O XX cerva too...have fun hanging out with your wang out!
    You and the Mrs. will have a blast...I love the Refreshments so sing on the top of you lungs to the "Boise" song for me...

  16. Ay-carrumba!!

    The best thing about mexico are the pee-in-the-pool bars...

    its cleaner to drink than the tap water...

    Have a lot of el-fun-o!

  17. Drink a few beers for me Mr. Shife.

    Have a safe and fun trip

  18. So jealous. Wish I could go, but you know work, school, etc. Come back with some fun stories. There should be some because those guys always put on a good show.

  19. Aye Dios mio! We were posting pictures of Mexicans at the same time! Except I was making fun of them...

  20. Love the Refreshments. While you're down there, drink the water. I think it would be an interesting experiment and become material for great blog storytelling.

    Vaya con Dios.

  21. Have a great time, MrShife. Mrs Shife...go shopping all you want, you deserve it being married to this guy.

  22. why do i keep checking your blog? i KNOW you are away...i'm an addict i guess

  23. :(( I wanna go to Mexico! So how was it? You meet any hot senoritas?

  24. Have fun, bro. drink a Dos Equis for me.

  25. The Mexican Hat Dance?

  26. Hope you have a blast, Shife. But then, I'm sure for you that goes without saying... ;)


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