Life with Shife

  • As a friend pointed out to me today, I have become a married metrosexual. Why? Well because not only did I concieve the idea to have a Halloween party at my house but I also designed and sent out the invitations. Yea, that is little too much "Queer Eye for the Striaght Guy." But if anyone is in Boise area on the 28th of October swing on by.
  • It has only taken 2 hurricanes, thousands of deaths, billions and billions of dollars in damage, and a public flogging before our fearless leader, W., decided maybe Americans should conserve more and we might need to find alternative energy sources. Here's the link to the story.
  • New friend of the program, Max Powers, had an awesome He-Man cartoon on his blog. It reminded me of all the cool animation that has on its site. This link is to a He-Man cartoon with some tweaking. If you are a fan of "The Big Lebowski" you are going to love this one. And there are some awesome G.I. Joe ones as well.
  • Looking forward to a new episode of "My Name is Earl" tonight, and "Arrested Development" was great again last night.
  • Another highlight from my weekend: I went to a wedding Saturday and everyone was giving the bride and groom toasts. Well the brother of the bride gave his speech and I swear it was just like the scene from "Old School" when Mitch starts rambling on during his speech, "True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend." And then Beanie takes the mic.
    Well the brother is tanked and is all over the place with his speech, people are telling him to wrap it up and finally the best man, who was sitting next to him, grabs the microphone. It was awesome.
  • Former FEMA chief Mike Brown blames Louisiana. Hell, I think we should quit being so sensitive and just blame the real culprit, Mother Nature.


  1. Anonymous9/27/2005

    Here's a deal for ya George. You pull your head out of your ass and I won't drive as much.

  2. Anonymous9/27/2005

    Hey Brownie, go fuck yourself.

  3. I wish I could take credit for those comments. I wish I could have added them to my original blog. And this is the first time a foreign head of state and a United State have written on my blog.

  4. wow an actual state posted a comment, you have gone big time now.

  5. God, I was just excited that I got linked. But you got a goddamned state to read your blog. I have a long way to go. A long way indeed.

  6. Yeah, I guess Louisiana is cool. They have a purchase named after them and girls have been known to go wild down there. I was hoping to get one of the cooler states to stop by. I have been really trying to impress Florida but I guess she blogs elsewhere.

  7. Anonymous9/27/2005

    I don't know what was funnier, Tobias' bloody scalp or Gob doing the chicken dance.

  8. Where is dubya's puppet, that little black boy, Condoleeza when you need him to take the heat for stuff?

  9. Hey, Florida is a male. Can't you tell by the penisula hanging down ?

    Hopefully, Brownie will go back to what he does well-horse shows. Oh, that's right, he couldn't even do those right.

  10. Metrosexual men are hot.

  11. I'm gonna have to go with W on this one, as unpopular as it may be. He's been advocating tapping the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for years. Apparently, the idea of displacing a few Caribou sickens people.

  12. hey thanks for dropping by, enjoyed today's post a lot

  13. Hey, just because you can design invitations and decorations, doesn't make you metro. It makes you creative (that's what I keep telling myself).

  14. Anonymous10/03/2005

    But seriously that was the highlight of the wedding wasn't it? The whole scene was kind of like an AA meeting gone bad......


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